Saturday, September 18, 2010

Karimeen Pollichathu (Pearl Spot Fry )

I was longing to eat Karimeen pollichathu but could not get Karimeen here. Finally found it at an Indian store's frozen section and thats where the story begins! My first trial was a flop as it was full of fishy-fishy smell. I did not know that it has to be rubbed and washed thoroughly with salt.  As it was already cleaned (written on the pack) I rushed without giving much attention to washing.

Next day I called up momy and asked "Momy why all my Kerala fish dishes smells and tastes so fishy like raw fish though  I have cooked it fully ? "  Momy , "Did you wash it by rubbing in salt ? " Me  "umm.Oh ?? Do I have to ... ? As it was written on the packed that its cleaned I just did a mild wash in tap water" Momy   "It might not be washed properly. Do as I said and try " Me "Alright, next time I will see hmm"

This is the second trial and this time as momy said I rubbed it with salt 3,4 times and washed. To be on the safe side I washed it with vinegar too :-). You know this time it did not smell bad. Huh , so that was the trick. ummm!

Usually this preparation is done using 'Vazhayila (Banan leaf) ' As it is not available in my place I used aluminium foil. If you can get vazhayila then that is the real taste.

For frying
1. Karimeen (Pearl spot ) - 1 ( cleaned and slited with head, tail on )
2. Lemon juice - 2 tsp
3. Chilly powder - 2 tsp
4. Pepper powder - 1 tsp
5. Corriander powder - 1/2 tsp
6. Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
7. Salt - as required
8. Coconut oil - 2 tbsp

For Gravy
1. Chopped Onion - 1 cup
2. Chopped Tomatoes - 1/2 cup
3. Chopped Ginger - 2 tbsp
4. Chopped Garlic - 2 tbsp
5. Curry leaves - 2 strings
6. Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
7. Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
8. Kudam Puli (Gamboge ? )- 1 small piece soaked in water
9. Chilly powder - 1 tsp
10. Coriander powder - 1 tsp
11. Fenugreek powder - 1/4 tsp
13. Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
14. Coconut milk/ powder - 2 tbsp
15. Salt
16. Coconut oil
17. Aluminium Foil / Vazhayila


1. Make a marinade of the ingredients 2-7 listed under 'for frying'  and marinate the fish. Let it rest for 30 minutes minimum.
2. In a pan add 2 tsp coconut oil and fry the fish lightly turning both sides.  This is to cook the fish. You do not need to make it crispy as the usual fish fry.
3. Keep the fried fish aside and in the same pan, add 1 tsp coconut oil.
4. Splutter mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves.
5. Add chopped ginger-garlic and stir for  a minute.
6. Add chopped onions and stir till it is soft
7. Add chopped tomatoes and stir until they are pulpy.
8. Add  1/4 tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp chilly powder, 1 tsp coriander powder and fry till the raw smell goes.
9. Add soaked kudam puli by tearing it into small pieces.
10. Add salt and fenugreek powder.
11. Stir until everuthing is mixed well and gravy becomes thick.
12. Add 2 tbsp of  thick coconut milk and stir in for a minute. It becomes a very thick gravy (paste)
13. In the aluminium foil, place some gravy, put the fried fish on top of it, place the rest of the gravy on top of the fish and wrap it properly.
14. In a wide pan add  1 tsp coconut oil, place the covered fish on it and let it cook on low with lid on for  6-7 min. After that turn it and cook for  another 6-7 minutes.
15. Serve hot with rice!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Egg Bulls-let

Don't try to 'google ' the word bulls-let, You won't find any such word :D
By bulls-let I mean the combination of BULLSeye and omeLET. It is a very simple one that you can have it alone or can be combined with any of your food.

1. Egg - 1
2. Small red onion -finely chopped- 1
3. Red chilly powder - 1/2 tsp
4. Black pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
5. Salt - 1/2 tsp
6. Oil - 1/4 tsp (optional)

1. Heat a pan and spread oil in it.
2. Break the egg and pour it in to the pan (without breaking the yolk)
3. Sprinkle chopped onion, salt, red chilly powder, pepper powder (in the order) on the top of the entire egg.
4. Turn the egg and cook both sides well.